Wilqadry Grandeur Hall
Wilqadry Grandeur Hall
Will You Qadry Me? Wilqadry!
Minimum Kapasiti
100 Pax
Maksimum Kapasiti
1000 Pax

Jumlah Kerusi

Jumlah Meja

Waktu Majlis
tengah-hari, malam

Tema Majlis
Wilqadry Grandeur Hall terletak di IOI Conezion Putrajaya.
Dewan Wilqadry dihiasi dengan tema yang menarik perhatian iaitu konsep garden minimalis. Dewan dengan pelbagai kelengkapan yang lengkap dan pemandangan yang indah untuk membina daya tarikan orang ramai untuk dijadikan tempat majlis Perkahwinan, Pertunangan, Aqiqah, Korporat, Seminar, makan malam, hi-tea dan sebagainya.
C-01-01, Centre Courtyard Conezion, IOI Resort City, 62502 Putrajaya
Galeri Dewan Kahwin
Info Pakej & Harga
Pakej Camelia
Pakej Azalea
Pakej Lavender
Pakej Camelia
300 Pax
400 Pax
500 Pax
600 Pax
700 Pax
800 Pax
900 Pax
1000 Pax
Maklumat Pakej
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi
- 35 Meja Bulat
- 10 Meja Panjang
- 450 Kerusi Chiavari
- Meja VIP Serta Hidang Dome
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Nude Carpet
- Projector Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi
- 35 Meja Bulat
- 10 Meja Panjang
- 450 Kerusi Chiavari
- Meja VIP Serta Hidang Dome
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Nude Carpet
- Projector Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall
Pakej Azalea
300 Pax
400 Pax
500 Pax
600 Pax
700 Pax
800 Pax
900 Pax
1000 Pax
Maklumat Pakej
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi, 35 Meja Bulat
- 10 Meja Panjang
- 450 Kerusi Chiavari
- Meja VIP Serta Hidang Dome
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Cake 4 Tier
- Emcee, Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Jurufoto Professional
- Videographer
- Potrait Wedding & Crystal Album (20 Pages)
- Nude Carpet
- Projector
- Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall & Hotel 1 Unit 1 Malam.
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi
- 35 Meja Bulat
- 10 Meja Panjang
- 450 Kerusi Chiavari
- Meja VIP Serta Hidang Dome
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Nude Carpet
- Projector Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall
Pakej Lavender
Maklumat Pakej
Pakej Lavender Untuk 100 Pax (RM9,000)
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi
- 35 Meja Bulat
- 350 Kerusi Chiavari
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Nude Carpet
- Projector Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi
- 35 Meja Bulat
- 10 Meja Panjang
- 450 Kerusi Chiavari
- Meja VIP Serta Hidang Dome
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Nude Carpet
- Projector Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall
500 Pax
- Dewan Berhawa Dingin
- Dekorasi
- 35 Meja Bulat
- 10 Meja Panjang
- 450 Kerusi Chiavari
- Meja VIP Serta Hidang Dome
- Ruang Makan Beradap
- Coordinator
- Floor Manager
- PA System
- Lighting System
- Rostrum
- Nude Carpet
- Projector Whitescreen
- Family Lounge
- Meja Doorgift
- Welcomeboard Lcd
- Photowall
Maklum Balas
Maklumbalas dalam Bahasa Melayu
Review in English
Syafiq Hasan
Dewan panas tak sesuai untuk 1000 pax , waiter dekat hall 3-4 org tak cukup nak topup pinggan banyak tak angkat time peak , qasseh catering punya supervisor pun duduk dalam central kitchen tak tengok keadaan luar , tuan rumah pula kene arah org2 dia topup cawan itu ini
Abd Rani
Tapi Dewan Majlis agak panaa sikit bila ramai orang hadir....
asri khalid
parking terus di basement, naik lift ke lokasi majlis. tempat cantik, meriah.
noor zulaika yusof
Selesa utk kenduri, ada 2 pintu, keluar dan masuk, so tak sesak bertembung dgn org. Decoration cantik, beraircond sejuk, toilet disediakan.. surau di bahagian bawah, level GF
Mohd Yusree
Saya datang sini sebab ada majlis kahwin rakan sepejabat. Tempat ok, masih baru dan parking saya rasa banyak, samaada area parking terbuka, ground floor atau parking bertingkat.
NH Littlechefkl
Went for a wedding here on weekends. It's a shop lot turned into wedding hall. Aircond is not functioning well. Quite stuffy and hot during peak hours. Seating is limited. Entrance door only have 2. 1 closed for the use of the bride and groom. The seats are very close to each other, making it hard to walk through to your table. Toilet is clean, but the dessert table location beside the toilet entrance makes me want to puke. If your invites is 200 pax and below, please proceed to rent this hall. If not, find a larger place so that your guests would feel comfortable and less risk to catch covid 19 virus
Izham Rosli
Wedding event hall nicely decorated. Staff very helpful.
Naim M Azmi
Small event hall but somehow spacious. Getting here was easy. Free parking lot. Easier to come and park straight on the upper ground or lower ground level. The hall is on block C and near the center courtyard. There's a water fountain at the center courtyard.
Jom Ride Sokmo
Situated in central court block C. Quite confusion for first timer here since there is no direction or signage to the hall. A small wedding hall but still look grand, indoor access to toilets, free parking so far and a lot parking spaces in basement with elevator directly next to the hall. The front enterance facing a fountain.